I spent this weekend with lots and lots of family, and am now preparing for more family visits later this week. It's so great to have such amazing family to visit, though after the third family I am starting to get completely exhausted.
This weekend my moms met Kate's brother, sister-in-law, dad and bonus mom for the first time. The introductory hello turned into a wedding meeting after the breakfast plates were cleared and we were on our third, then fourth, then fifth cup of coffee. All I can say is thank God for family.
The meeting, while totally and completely overwhelming, made me and Kate think about event and logistic details that need to be decided in the next month. Many of the things that we talked about Kate and I hadn't discussed yet or even realized we needed to think about.
I am so thankful that we both come from great families who can help us put on this great wedding ceremony and event weekend. The meeting changed how we had been viewing the wedding, and I really don't know what would have happened without them and all the rest of our great families.
It was fun to talk about all the possibilities! I knew you two were getting overwhelmed because you hadn't thought about all the crazy stuff we discussed . . . but you did great and didn't freak out -- always good.