Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My blessed family

(I just love this idea)

This post on Offbeat Bride totally made me cry.  (Take this with a grain of salt - I cry easily.)

[Chanelle writes about marrying someone of the same-sex, and the views of their families.]
Unfortunately, Chanelle's family is not as supportive. It was a hard burden to bear, but the fact that her aunt made such an effort to fly across the country in a show of support really made up for the absence of the others.
During the ceremony, we invited all the witnesses and supporters of our marriage to leave their fingerprints on a tree, hand-drawn by Chanelle's sister, signifying the greater community in which our relationship has and will continue to grow. This simple, yet beautiful, act of involving our loved ones really helped us understand that family is what you make it and even with all the heartache associated with our blood family, our chosen family has always been there for us.

We are so, so, so, so lucky to both have amazing families - all of them!  My moms, my dad's family, her mom's family, and her dad's family all just love us to pieces. We come from supportive backgrounds and no one is going to boycott our wedding because we're in a same-sex relationship.  No, instead they're making us chuppah pieces, helping us find our hotels, going dress shopping, and just excited by the upcoming event.  They're being so helpful, sweet, and fantastic, and I just am overwhelmed with love.  

We are blessed in so many ways.  For having found one another, for living in this great, and for having such an amazing and blessed family.

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